

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: [Date]

Thank you for choosing Koxito, your trusted food delivery platform in Canada. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. By using our platform, you agree to the terms of this policy.

**1. Information We Collect:**

- When you create an account, place an order, or interact with our services, we collect personal information such as your name, contact details, delivery address, and payment information.
- Additionally, we may gather device information, IP addresses, and usage patterns.

- For restaurant partners, we collect business information including location, menu details, and contact information.
- Financial information may be collected for payment processing.

- Riders providing delivery services share personal information such as names, contact details, and bank account information for payment processing.
- Location data may be collected for real-time order tracking, background location.

**2. How We Use Your Information:**

- We use your information to facilitate order processing, improve our services, and ensure the security of our platform.
- Marketing communications may be sent, and you have the option to opt out.

- Restaurant information is used to list and promote your establishment on our platform.
- Financial information is securely processed for payment transactions.

- Rider information is utilized to facilitate order deliveries, process payments, and enhance communication.
- Location data is used for real-time tracking during order deliveries.

**3. Sharing of Information:**

- Customer information is shared with restaurants and riders to fulfill orders.
- Restaurants' details, including menu information, are visible to users.
- Rider information, including names and photos, may be visible to users during the order delivery process.

**4. Security Measures:**

- We prioritize the security of your information and implement industry-standard measures to safeguard it. However, no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is entirely secure.

**5. Your Choices:**

- You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information. Contact our support team to exercise these rights.
- Opt-out options are available for marketing communications.

**6. Contact Us:**

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy Officer at:

Thank you for trusting Koxito for your food delivery needs in Canada.